
ATM’s and Branches


Can I transfer money from a VTB Russia account to VTB Azerbaijan and convert to manats?

Yes, it is possible.Transferring money from VTB Russia to an account in VTB Azerbaijan , you must provide a foreign passport , an identity document and document with information about the source of income. İf the Client stays in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan for more than 90 days , it is necessary to provide a temporary identity card. Commission for convertation is 3%.

Can I withdraw funds from a VTB Russia card at an ATM/branch of VTB Azerbaijan? Can i pay in Azerbaijan with a card of VTB Russia? Can a citizen of the Russian Federation order (apply for) a card at VTB Azerbaijan?

Yes, you can withdraw funds from a card issued by VTB Bank (Russia) through ATMs of VTB Bank (Azerbaijan). No, unfortunately, at the moment cards issued by VTB Bank (Russia) are not accepted for payment in Azerbaijan. Yes, a citizen of the Russian Federation can apply for a local payment card of VTB Bank (Azerbaijan).

What kind of documents are required to open an account for a legal entity / individual entrepreneur (non-residents / residents, representative offices)?

List of documents for opening an account

For legal entities:

1. Application for opening an account (filled in the bank);

2. Card with samples of signature and seal (Certified by the bank);

3. Charter (in .adoc format or a notarized copy)

3.1 Regulations (if the account is opened for a branch, in .adoc format or a notarized copy);

4. Extract from the state register (in .adoc format or a notarized copy);

5. Certificate of state registration – Tax ID (accepted in .adoc format);

6. Duplicate certificate for each type of account issued by the relevant tax authorities

7. Copies of documents proving the identity of authorized persons and founders (if the founder is a company, a copy of the extract from the state register of the company and the identity of the beneficiaries)


For individual entrepreneurs:

1. Identity document

1.1 Passport (for foreign citizens)

2. Certificate of state registration – Tax ID


The remaining documents are drawn up at the bank's office when opening an account.


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